19th July 2022

Japanese Culture Day/日本文化の日

On July 1st, We had Japanese Culture Day!  This is a  day to respect and celebrate our host country through Japanese  costumes, arts, and traditional and modern Japanese cultural activities. This year, we had two activities, Karate in the morning and Festival Stalls in the afternoon. Karate was a new […]
11th July 2022

First Swimming Lessons/初の水泳の授業

In 2022 June, Abroad International School Osaka could eventually carry out the first swimming lessons. Due to Covid-19, swimming lessons could not be held until this year after the pool lessons were decided. It was really nice to finally be able to do it this year.   What we mainly […]
7th June 2022

SDGs Fair

On May 21, Abroad International School Osaka held its 1st annual SDGs Fair. Everyone seemed to have loads of fun while simultaneously learning about the Sustainable Development Goals. Some of the highlights from the fair include: ‘Make your Own Tote Bag’ Workshop (SDG 12) Capoeira Free Trial (SDG 3) Collaborations […]
30th November 2021

World Homeless Day

This year, Abroad International School – Osaka held its first awareness week. The focus of this term’s awareness week was homelessness. The school community engaged in a variety of activities to learn more about homelessness and help those that are affected by this issue. Grade 7 kicked off the week […]
3rd November 2021

Autumn campaign/秋のキャンペーン

We are excited to present to you our Autumn campaign. Enroll during the campaign period and get the enrollment fee 100% off! Campaign period : Jul – Dec 2021  How to apply: Submit the application form and transfer the application fee Have a parents interview Transfer the tuition fee and […]
6th October 2021

Inktober: The Worldwide Art Challenge That Has Everyone Drawing in October /インクトーバー:10月に誰もが絵を描く世界的なアートチャレンジ

Hello everyone,  October has come, and you know what that means…Inktober! Inktober is a month-long drawing challenge for those who want to boost their creativity. There are daily drawing prompts, and drawings should be completed in ink. This is a worldwide event, and teachers can take part as well.  How […]
16th July 2021

Abroad’s Got Talent 2021/タレントショー

As our first term has reached its end, our Abroad Student Council Osaka (ASCO) ended things with excitement by hosting our 4th annual talent show.  A wide range of talent was on display and fun was had by all.  Here are more details from our student council president, Riano: “This […]