Junior Saturday School Newsletter – Sep 17
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Junior Saturday School Newsletter – Sep 17
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Kinder Saturday School Newsletter – Sep 17

Hello everyone!

Today was a really fun day! Tasaku’s younger brother and his parents visited us in the morning to watch our class; he will be joining us properly in the next week or two.

We did our usual warm up of questions, then danced and sang along to “in front of, behind, between” before playing “where is the monkey?”. Today he was under a blue t-shirt in a draw.

We also had a team quiz about food and cooking, practiced our new vocabulary of “like”, “favourite”, “why?” and “because” with a game of baseball then took a quick break before our writing time.

In writing time we worked on the worksheets that we didn’t finish last week, making sentences using “why” and “because”, then coloured our favourite fruits.

After lunch we played musical chairs, matched actions on the smart board and then made jewelry out of playdough.

After spending 45 minutes in the gym, we ate our snack while watching “my little pony” then went down to the library to read some stories. This week we read “frozen”, “are you my mother?”, “I am a bunny” and several others.

I hope you all have a great week! see you next time!

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