International Children Festival /国際こども祭り
27th September 2019
Sports day / スポーツデー
18th October 2019認可外保育施設等における幼児教育・保育の無償化について/AIS Osaka meets the standards for “Free of early childhood education” which set by the government.
2019年10月より認可外保育施設における幼児教育・保育の無償化制度が開始し、アブロード大阪も無償化対象施設として選ばれました。(認可外保育施設一覧 )
Osaka city announced (September 28th) the list of the schools related to the governmental support for early years children.
We are happy to inform you that Abroad International School Osaka is a school free of charge by the city of Osaka from October 2019.
We are happy to inform you that Abroad International School Osaka is a school free of charge by the city of Osaka from October 2019.
The list of schools (Only in Japanese)