Saturday School Junior Newsletter – Nov 5
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Saturday School Junior Newsletter – Nov 5
9th November 2016
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14th November 2016
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Saturday School Graduate Class – Nov 5

Hello all!

It is great to have you on Saturdays.  My name is William, if we have not met yet, nice to meet you, do not be afraid to say hello, or come to me with any questions or concerns.
So far, I have had the pleasure of teaching your sons and daughters for the past few weeks.  Today Hugh and Shinichi were absent so it was just the three of us.
In the morning we played a board game which taught us how to speak about past experiences. I remember Rimi told me that she went horseback riding last year.  Exciting!
Cambridge textbooks were issued and we got started on chapter one, learning important vocabulary on things we find in a classroom.
We have been studying parts of speech, in particular, nouns, verbs and adjectives, what they are and how they work in English.
Everyone catches on really quick.  Last week, we covered nouns which are people, places and things, so this week we studied verbs or action words.  Thank you for your hard work.
In the gym we had an intense soccer shootout,  I was the keeper, I was relieved when it was finished because Reo is a great shooter. Next we all tried to throw the dodge balls through a moving hula hoop.  It was really difficult but we managed to succeed two or three times.
After a quick snack and a drink, we did a bit more work on verbs.  The science lesson today was on amphibians, like frogs and salamanders, as well as, raptor birds, like eagles and owls.  Amphibians have a interesting life cycle and it was cool to learn about the vision of eagles.  I hope we will have a full class next week so we can do a lot of fun lessons games and gym activities together.  See you then.