Tokyo trip/東京旅行
30th March 2023
 Abroad International School Osaka has moved to our new campus
1st August 2023
Tokyo trip/東京旅行
30th March 2023
 Abroad International School Osaka has moved to our new campus
1st August 2023
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Middle school’s first field trip of the year!

Exploring Picasso and Cubism

Middle school students recently took a field trip to the National Museum of Art to visit the Picasso exhibition. In addition to Pablo Picasso, works by Paul Klee, Georges Braque, and Henri Matisse were also represented. The exhibition was a great opportunity for students to connect classroom learning experiences with authentic artworks in a visible way. It was both a learning experience in itself and a reflection of their artistic progress and achievement. 


最近、中学生がピカソ展を見学するために国立美術館に遠足に出かけました。 パブロ・ピカソに加えて、パウル・クレー、ジョルジュ・ブラック、アンリ・マティスの作品も展示されています。 この展覧会は、教室での学習体験と本物の芸術作品を目に見える方法で結びつける絶好の機会でした。 それ自体が学習体験であると同時に、彼らの芸術的進歩と成果を反映するものでもありました。