Tuition & Other Fees



Early Arrivals & After School Care service

We offer early and after school care service to support parents who are working or busy.

Early Arrivals (8:00-8:30)

To accommodate the needs of parents we offer an Early Arrival service. We provide supervision so that students can get to school early and are ready to settle down for the start of the school day. Advance reservations for this service are required. (30 min counting)
A fee is applicable; please see the Fees section for more details.

After School Care Service (15:30-18:00)

The After School Care service provides reliable care after the normal school day. Advance reservations for this service are required. Parents may pick up their children at any time during the After School Care period however there will be no reduction or pre-calculating of the fee (30 min counting). Parents should pick up their children until 15:30. More than 10 minutes lateness will be charged as 30 min.



  • Age group: 1-2 years old
  • Students per class: 30 maximum(1 class)


  • Age group: 3 years old
  • Students per class: 24 maximum(1 classes)


  • Age group: 4 years old
  • Students per class: 24 maximum(1 classes)


  • Age group: 5 years old
  • Student per class:24 maximum(1 classes)

Primary & Secondary

  • Age group: 6-16years old
  • Student per class:24 maximum(1 class in each grade)