Admissions Policy

Enrolment Age

Standard Admission

A student with the appropriate age for the year level before April 1st of that academic year is eligible for standard admission.

Appropriate ages for the years are:

Level Infants Toddlers Preschool Pre K Kindergarten
Age (as of April 1st) 1 yr old 2yrs old 3yrs old 4yrs old 5yrs old

Exceptional Admission

A student whose birthday is on or after April 1st of that academic year can enroll infants class from the time s/he turn our 1 year old. However these students will stay in the infants class for the following academic year.

Enrolment Time

Most children are admitted by April, but if vacancies exist the school will admit students throughout the course of the year.

 Admission Requirements and Student Placement

All prospective students must first complete an application form.

Students may apply within one year of the proposed starting date.

The completed application form, with the student’s photo and other documents specified by the school should be returned to the Admissions Office by mail or in person.

After receiving the completed application form, our admissions committee will review the application in accordance with our admissions criteria.

The admission criteria include:

    • Age
    • Availability of places
    • Academic ability
    • English language proficiency (PreK and up)
    • Previous school records
    • Availability of parental support
    • Behavior and maturity

Then, your child may or may not be invited for an interview. Families will be notified of interview dates by mail, e-mail, fax or telephone.

Families will be notified as soon as possible of admission decisions and it is at this stage that actual registration can take place. Once a place has been offered, the family has a limited time, specified by the school, to accept it.

PLEASE NOTE:   No application can be processed until all documents requested by the school have been submitted.  The receipt of an application form does not imply automatic acceptance.

Enrollment Interview and Assessment 

All students except infants, toddlers and preschool must go through a level assessment and an individual interview in order to be accepted into AIS. A placement assessment helps us determine the placement and whether English-as-an-Additional-Language (EAL) or other specialized assistance is required. Students might be asked to come for one day trial if it is necessary. As a part of the application process, parents must sit the enrollment interview, which is to ensure the school’s philosophy and programs match parents’ educational beliefs and expectations.

Factors that contribute to acceptance depending on the year are:


Ability to separate from parents, social maturity, self-help skills, language ability, fine and gross motor skills and the current makeup of the class. Students must be able to toilet themselves independently.

Pre-Kinder and Kindergarten

Ability to separate from parents, social maturity, self-help skills, language ability, fine and gross motor skills, academic ability and the current makeup of the class.

Students who are applying for PreK and up will sit for a language test.