Junior Saturday School Newsletter – July 30
1st August 2016
Kinder Saturday School Newsletter – Sep 3
5th September 2016
Junior Saturday School Newsletter – July 30
1st August 2016
Kinder Saturday School Newsletter – Sep 3
5th September 2016
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Junior Saturday School Newsletter – Sep 3

GREETINGS Saturday School Junior class!

We had a great 15th week in Saturday School juniors! We played 2 vocabulary building games, called `The hot seat`, and `Stop the Bus.`

We read the book `Walter the Farting Dog’ by William Kotzwinkle and Glenn Murray.

We also played some smartboard games reviewing vocabulary of colors and clothes.

In the afternoon we focused on grammar with present tense with the verb `to eat` and on correct subject-verb agreement.


present tense `to eat`

pronouns: He, she, I


fruit and vegetable theme words: broccoli, lemon, cauliflower, parsnip, raspberry, etc

Animals food, such as `berries, grass, leaves, bugs, meat, nuts and seeds.`

colors and clothing

Next time in Juniors

We`ll focus on reading skills, and proper English pronunciation when speaking, and also improving everyday vocabulary.


Please encourage your child to watch English kids shows and movies with English subtitles, and to listen to English songs while reading the lyrics.

See you next Saturday!

Take care everyone! 🙂

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