20th April 2023

Middle school’s first field trip of the year!

Exploring Picasso and Cubism Middle school students recently took a field trip to the National Museum of Art to visit the Picasso exhibition. In addition to Pablo Picasso, works by Paul Klee, Georges Braque, and Henri Matisse were also represented. The exhibition was a great opportunity for students to connect […]
25th July 2024

2025 Primary School Grade 1/小学部1年生 募集要項

The application guideline of Primary School 2025 Grade 1   Application Period : Until September 15th, 2024 Assessment Period : September 2nd – October 3rd, 2024 Announcement of result : Middle-End of October, 2024 Assessment test: One day from the above period In-class test (9:00-15:00) and parents interview (30 minutes) […]