Abroad’s Got Talent 2021/タレントショー
16th July 2021Autumn campaign/秋のキャンペーン
3rd November 2021Inktober: The Worldwide Art Challenge That Has Everyone Drawing in October /インクトーバー:10月に誰もが絵を描く世界的なアートチャレンジ
Hello everyone,
October has come, and you know what that means…Inktober! Inktober is a month-long drawing challenge for those who want to boost their creativity. There are daily drawing prompts, and drawings should be completed in ink. This is a worldwide event, and teachers can take part as well.
How do I take part in Inktober ?
- Please use one quarter of the size of an A4 sheet of paper for each of your drawings.
- Complete a daily ink drawing based on the corresponding prompts that are outlined in the poster. Please note, there are 31 prompts – one prompt for each day of October. However, you can draw every other day, or once a week. Whatever pace you decide, just be consistent with it.
- Label the front of your artwork with your name, as well as the Inktober word of the day.
- Post your artwork in the hallway of your floor.
- We will host online Inktober classes throughout the whole month of October, so stay tuned for more details.
But for now: encourage your students to take a pen, find some paper, and get ready to draw!